Monday, August 15, 2011

Rosh Hashanah Photo Cards

I've noticed that some of you arrived here via Google searches for custom Jewish New Year's cards. I wanted to recommend the site More Than Paper again for its excellent selection of Rosh Hashanah Cards (both with or without photos). Take Note Designs is a brand that has beautiful cards that, while not cheap, aren't outrageous either. One of my favorite designs--Modern Apple Tree on Blue--costs $86 for 50 cards. Order early; the Jewish New Year begins on the evening of Wednesday, September 28th this year. Chag Sameach!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these ideas, as usual your blog is a great source for cool ideas I thought your readers might also be interested in these unique Rosh Hashanah Cards,they are beuatifully designed and contain a special merit for the New Year
