Monday, August 15, 2011

Batman Birthday Party

S's fifth birthday party was a big success, We held it at a local gymnastics place and somehow the kids (most of whom had just finished a very full week at day camp) managed to burn off yet more excess energy:

S's favorite activity was diving into the (squishy) blocks...

....or even being pushed in by his friend L.

Remember Baby Grayson, whose mom wrote a guest post here? He's 7 months old now and was the hit of the party. What a gorgeous, sweet baby! Everyone wanted to hold him.

Even R. took a turn.

Cake time! We got a huge Batman cake from the Upper West Side Fairway.

I also ended up ordering those Superhero cookies from Etsy and it was less expensive than I thought since I ordered the smaller platter-sized versions.

The pull-string Batman pinata was a hit, even if it did not require a baseball bat.

Not everyone is happy with their loot though. Look closely.

Opening gifts back home, with R. looking on. Had to remind her that her turn is just days away.

Anyone want leftovers?

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