Sunday, August 7, 2011

My Baby Turns Five

Five years ago today, Baby S. was born at 1:10am. Eight pounds, twenty inches. Three weeks early, but healthy after a difficult pregnancy with two months of bedrest.

I remember the first moment I held him (and his sister, 3 years earlier). His little body felt so warm even through that blanket. In some ways it feels like it was yesterday.

And sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago.

I remember how plump and blond my new son was, and how he still was covered with some "fur" (lanugo) from arriving early.

I remember my heart pounding so hard when R. arrived to vist; I couldn't wait to see my two children together (R. was characteristically nonplussed).

I remember watching my dad hold his grandson (named after his own father) for the very first time.

I remember hoping, praying that everything was going to turn out OK.

There have been some tough times since then. But through it all, this gem of a boy has kept smiling....and has warmed my heart. Every. single. day.

Happy Fifth Birthday to my Big Boy, with love from Mommy.


  1. Sweetness! Happy 5th Birthday! We just a 5th birthday for my son last week (7/28). It does seem like just yesterday that he was born (8 1/2 weeks early). Where does the time go? Enjoy!

  2. That's right- I remember your son was just a few weeks earlier. Hope he had a wonderful birthday! Congrats on 5 years of motherhood.
