Monday, October 24, 2011

Shop Report: New York Costumes

A few weekends ago the kids and I got some early Halloween shopping done at New York Costumes, an incredible NYC Halloween mega-store that, shockingly, I had never visited in my 17 years of living here in the Big Apple. This place is amazing, and if you're a New Yorker still in need of costumes or decorations, it's worth braving the crowds to come here.

Here is the outside of the store. It's just south of Union Square at 104 Fourth Avenue:

Inside, you'll finds thousands of square feet housing everything you need for any Halloween costume or party. There's the standard fare--infant bunting costumes, superhero costumes, classic witch garb--plus costumes you've never even dreamed of, and any and all accessories (we bought R. a blond wig to wear with her Princess Peach costume).

I actually bought my costume here this year. Yep, I was inspired by Pan Am. No, I won't be showing photos here.

If your Halloween taste runs more scary than sweet (my children have reached the age where they prefer the former--the spookier, the better), this is your store. Even if you don't buy a thing, it is a feast for the eyes--if your eyes like to see blood, guts, and freaky things, that is:

Creepy cold cuts anyone?

A two-headed baby. I think I saw something like this on the Discovery Channel.

The sign around this guy's neck says it all.

This dummy had a revolving bloody head that the kids watched rotate about a dozen times.

The kids ate up all the theatrics (here, I believe they were petting fake furry rats):

I have never seen so many skeletons before:

And R. explained the finer points of mask-wearing to her little brother.

The "Clowns" section of the store was one of my favorites. Remember the Bethenny Ever After episode where she and Jason try on clown costumes with gigantic hands and boots? I'm pretty sure that was filmed here.

S. surveyed everything a clown might need, from rubber chickens to "bonkers" (I let him buy one...a major mistake).

Visit New York Costumes at 104 4th Ave @ 11th street in New York City, open every night this week till 10pm (and this weekend till 12am).

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