Monday, September 12, 2011

From the Archives: Pride & Joy

Editor's Note: This is a repost from September 2007, when "Baby" S. was 13 months old. Today, at age 5 years 1 month, he starts kindergarten. I am so proud of him.

It's been an exciting week for 13-month-old Baby S. He got his first haircut. He pulled to stand in his crib. He learned how to sit up from lying down. Most exciting, five days ago he started crawling.

This is a huge deal because as I've mentioned before, he has motor delays. At 8 months he could not roll, sit, or reach for objects. He gets physical therapy 3x a week and he (and his therapist) work very very hard. Still, we didn't expect him to crawl before 18 months. So to say we are floored (no pun intended) by the fact he's crawling at 13 months is an understatement. I know all mothers are thrilled when they see their child crawl or walk for the first time, but when your child is delayed and worked so hard to reach a milestone, the pride is just indescribable. We are elated.

Anyway, all this progress means I have been super busy documenting S's milestones in Baby Time: A Fast, Fun Keepsake Album, the handy, super-easy baby book I discovered when R. was an infant, but works even better for time-crunched 2nd time moms. Click here to read my past review of this easiest baby book ever. What a joy it is to be filling in page after page! Available for just $11.96, this makes a very affordable shower or new baby gift, too.

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