Saturday, September 10, 2011


Like most New Yorkers, the tragedies of 9/11/01 are on my mind constantly this weekend.

Hard to believe it's been 10 years, right?

When I checked my e-mail that morning and saw a small photo of a burning World Trade Center, along with the caption "Tower on Fire", I assumed it was a video game ad, and went off to do other things.

When I heard some people screaming outside (and this was several miles uptown), I went back to the computer and turned the TV on. Then I knew. And then I saw the second plane hit.

There is so much to say about that day--about its legacy for our country, our world, and for each of us personally--and I couldn't pretend to do so half as eloquently as others have.

So instead, I thought I'd share with you some photos of a special boat ride ("The Shark") that S. (age 5) and I took last weekend in New York Harbor. It was a glorious early September day, and this was his first ever glimpse of the Statue of Liberty up close (and we also saw the Freedom Tower--which will eventually reach 1776 feet--under construction).

I told him about how his great-grandparents (and namesakes) had sailed here from Germany and how they had seen this very statue when they arrived. How even though they were poor and sick, they were so lucky to come to New York to live here, because had they stayed behind in Germany, things would have been very bad.

He smiled and said, "They came here? To New York? And they were lucky to be here?"

Yes, they were lucky to be here. So are we.

Wishing you all a day of peace tomorrow.

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