I've been making lists of things to buy at Duane Reade ever since I moved to NYC in 1994. Usually I'm scribbling my list (toilet paper, nail polish, gum, etc.) onto scraps of notebook paper. But this week I did something different in my role as a Duane Reade VIP Blogger. I read the online version of the Duane Reader circular and made my shopping list there--plus I got ideas for new products I had no idea Duane Reade carried.
Here's what happened: First I entered my zip code at the Duane Reader circular (this allows you to get the circular for your local store). I did this to access the April 21, 2012-June 02, 2012 edition.
You, too, can access the online version of the Duane Reader for your local store:
Keep in mind, this is not your grandma's supermarket circular. The Duane Reader is a zippy little magazine with clever headlines, chatty blurbs, and colorful graphics:
My favorite part of reading the online Duane Reader was learning which new products were available (such as the "Delish" and "Nice" lines of snack foods) plus what promotions were in-store for new and existing products. At the online Duane Reader, you can browse the pages of the print edition (which is free in-store) and you can also add items to an online shopping list to either print-out or save to your phone, which is quite handy. Here is our list:
Some other valuable info. I learned from the Duane Reader:
1) When you shop at Duane Reade, you automatically have a chance to win your entire shopping basket for free- wow! Get more info about this here.
2) Since Duane Reade and Walgreens are owned by the same company, you can have your DR prescriptions filled at Walgreen's when you're on vacation. Pretty convenient.
3) Speaking of prescriptions, you can also get 90 day refills on many medicines. A real time-saver.
4) For those who are cooking-challenged, Duane Reade has added premium appetizers, entrees, and desserts to many of its stores. The penne alla vodka with grilled chicken looks great.
5) For those of us trying to snack healthy on-the-go, Duane Reade now offers plenty of wholesome options ranging from probiotic trail mixes to gluten-free cookies. Don't have to make a separate trip to the health food store anymore!
So R. and I went shopping using our Duane Reader list yesterday. I was able to find almost everything on my list (except that penne alla vodka, which perhaps I would have found if a certain child wasn't tugging on my sleeve constantly). It did help that the featured Duane Reader products are labelled clearly throughout the store. At the very front, there's a prominent display of Duane Reader goodies along with free copies of the print issue. Then, throughout the aisles and at end-of-aisle displays, featured Duane Reader items are marked too. Look for the purple signs!
Here's what happened: First I entered my zip code at the Duane Reader circular (this allows you to get the circular for your local store). I did this to access the April 21, 2012-June 02, 2012 edition.
You, too, can access the online version of the Duane Reader for your local store:
Keep in mind, this is not your grandma's supermarket circular. The Duane Reader is a zippy little magazine with clever headlines, chatty blurbs, and colorful graphics:
My favorite part of reading the online Duane Reader was learning which new products were available (such as the "Delish" and "Nice" lines of snack foods) plus what promotions were in-store for new and existing products. At the online Duane Reader, you can browse the pages of the print edition (which is free in-store) and you can also add items to an online shopping list to either print-out or save to your phone, which is quite handy. Here is our list:
Some other valuable info. I learned from the Duane Reader:
1) When you shop at Duane Reade, you automatically have a chance to win your entire shopping basket for free- wow! Get more info about this here.
2) Since Duane Reade and Walgreens are owned by the same company, you can have your DR prescriptions filled at Walgreen's when you're on vacation. Pretty convenient.
3) Speaking of prescriptions, you can also get 90 day refills on many medicines. A real time-saver.
4) For those who are cooking-challenged, Duane Reade has added premium appetizers, entrees, and desserts to many of its stores. The penne alla vodka with grilled chicken looks great.
5) For those of us trying to snack healthy on-the-go, Duane Reade now offers plenty of wholesome options ranging from probiotic trail mixes to gluten-free cookies. Don't have to make a separate trip to the health food store anymore!
So R. and I went shopping using our Duane Reader list yesterday. I was able to find almost everything on my list (except that penne alla vodka, which perhaps I would have found if a certain child wasn't tugging on my sleeve constantly). It did help that the featured Duane Reader products are labelled clearly throughout the store. At the very front, there's a prominent display of Duane Reader goodies along with free copies of the print issue. Then, throughout the aisles and at end-of-aisle displays, featured Duane Reader items are marked too. Look for the purple signs!
Here's what we bought from our list on the Duane Reader:
Apt. 5 Goes Green eco-friendly tissue boxes:
Good & Delish Probiotic boost blend:
Apt. 5 Goes Green eco-friendly bathroom cleaner:
And, this is what ended up in our shopping cart. As you can see, there were some last-minute additions!
And here's our loot back home. I must say the probiotic mix is quite yummy, even if my sweet tooth would prefer Frosted Flakes.
For more about our Duane Reade shopping excursion (plus lots more pictures!) visit my brand new post on Google+.
Want to go shopping with the help of the Duane Reader? Click here to access your local online circular. Also be sure to follow Duane Reade on Twitter (@DuaneReade, #DReade, #CBias, #DReadeVIP) and Facebook.
Want to go shopping with the help of the Duane Reader? Click here to access your local online circular. Also be sure to follow Duane Reade on Twitter (@DuaneReade, #DReade, #CBias, #DReadeVIP) and Facebook.
This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias (#CBias). All opinions expressed here are, as always, entirely my own.
P.S. Many thanks to my trusty assistant--you're the best, R.!
My hubby really loves the probiotic mix. I'm with you, I would also prefer frosed flakes! lol