Thursday, July 28, 2011

The New Balanced Meal

In cased you missed it this past Spring, the USDA (backed by First Lady Michelle Obama) replaced its old food pyramid with a "MyPlate" concept designed to educate consumers about the basics of a healthy, balanced diet. Basically, you should fill half your plate with fruits and veggies, and the remainder with lean proteins and whole grains (plus a dab of healthy fats). A clever new kids' product called Nutri-Plate aims to help young eaters remember this. While I'm not sure it will make my two particularly picky eaters make major changes, I know it would help me follow the new guidelines. me! Buy it for $11.95 at Nutri-Plate.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an awesome idea. They not only help kids (and parents)eat healthier, but they look really cool too.
