Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lunchtime, Gen X Style

With the upcoming Smurfs movie, there seems to be nostalgia for our Gen X roots--you know, the pop culture we enjoyed as kids in the late 1970s/early 1980s (if you are not yet 30 years old, please disregard this post!). I was happy to spot a I Love Kermit lunchbox in my recent issue of Earnshaws's magazine. Perfect timing, too, because my own daughter is about to turn 8, and I'm remembering my own 8th birthday party and how my "theme" was. . . Kermit the Frog. I was all about the Muppets (yes I was a nerd even back then). Anyway, I tracked down the Kermit lunchbox, and some other Gen X lunchboxes (including Smurfette and The Muppet Show) at our affiliate Perpetual Kid. Boy, do these take me back. Remember our loud clanging tin lunchboxes? This was way before the days of BPA-free products. There is something so sweet and charming about these; and at just $12 each, even if you don't buy one for your child, it might be a fun tchotcke for yourself. Check them out at Perpetual Kid.

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