Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Before There Were I-pods

On Ebay I stumbled onto some vintage toy finds from my childhood (I was born in 1972, so that gives you some idea how old this stuff is). There are a whole bunch I want to show you, but I'll start off with this Fisher Price Music Box Record Player + 6 Records, a toy which hit shelves in 1971. I can still picture the wobbly strains of "Au Clair De La Lune" emanating from this record player which my sister and I kept atop a dresser in our tiny bedroom. 35 years later, I'm not sure my kids even know what a "record" is...I think they'd definitely be intrigued by this relic!

Guess what? Fisher Price is re-releasing the "Basic Fun Fisher Price Record Player" in July! Pre-order it for $29.95 at Amazon.com. It actually looks just like the original.


  1. I remember that record player! I wonder what our kids would think about it. When we took Park Bench at the 92nd St Y, they had all the original toys from when we were kids. M's teacher told me they get all their toys on Ebay!

  2. I remember that one too!! I'm not sure if I had it or a friend did, but I definitely remember it. I bet my toddler would love it!
